board of directors




Dr. Sonnya Wilkins, President
Dr. Sonnya Wilkins holds the position of President for the Twin Harbors Wildlife Center. She is a 1999 graduate of Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. She has been the owner and medical director of Grays Harbor Veterinary Services since 2003. Dr. Sonnya is co-owner of an online pet supply company, Famous Shamus Pet Supplies, founded in 2010. She is co-director and co-founder of Twin Harbors Wildlife Center, founded in 2019. Dr. Wilkins enjoys being involved in her community. She is married with three children and three grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys concerts, travel, fishing, sewing and quilting, and spending time with her family.


Lauri Leirdahl, Esq., Vice President
Lauri Leirdahl, Esq. has been an attorney, in California and in Washington for 26 years. Although officially retired, she continues as a volunteer attorney for a legal clinic and helping Veterans with VA paperwork. She is actively involved in the Quilts of Valor organization, awarding quilts to Veterans who have been touched by war. She enjoys spending time with her family and her three Labradors.


Denise Schupbach, Secretary


Annette Berry, Treasurer
Annette has been involved in animal welfare for over 25 years, she started as a volunteer with THWC in 2023. She holds a business degree from Texas State University and though mostly retired now, worked as an accountant. She is an Aberdeen VIP (Volunteer in Police Service) and enjoys hiking, gardening, reading, and traveling.


Talia Bailey
Talia has been with THWC since 2020, first as our grant writer and now on our Board of Directors. She works in marine science and has moved all over the country in the past several years, living in Hawaii, California, Florida, and is now back in Washington. She has a background in marine mammal biology, currently working in stranding response, but has experience working with fish, birds, and seagrass as well. She enjoys reading, boating, and hiking with her pup, Rue.


Amy Bledsoe, Member
Amy has been involved with Twin Harbors Wildlife Center since April 2019. She is currently an Assistant Rehabilitator and our Volunteer Coordinator. In her spare time, she enjoys fishing, researching, and spending time with family, friends, and her pets.


Karla Kershaw, Member
Karla Kershaw joined Twin Harbors Wildlife Center in 2019 as a volunteer. She has worked her way up from volunteer to intern and is currently an Assistant Rehabilitator. Karla is studying to become a permitted wildlife rehabilitator. Her favorite animals to work with are the raptors.


Louise Edson, Advisory Board
Louise joined the THWC Board in November 2023 to assist with the donor management database information. She is a native of ,and still resides, in Oklahoma; her work and volunteer experience has included the areas of law, higher education, nonprofits and oil and gas. Her connection with the center is thru her life long friendship with Lauri Leirdahl. She is new to the world of wildlife care and is looking forward to learning and understanding more about the work of the Center.

How Can I Help?

The average cost for one week of basic rehabilitation care varies with the type of animal that comes to Twin Harbors Wildlife Center: $35 for each bird, $55 for each baby mammal, and $79 for each raptor. In order to provide the necessary care to rehabilitate wildlife, we rely heavily on individual donors like you.